Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Superdelegate Roundup Update - Obama Gains

Senator Obama has been making strides with the superdelgates over the past week.  Since last Thursday, he has secured 11 endorsements, compared to only 1 for Senator Clinton.  Many of these endorsements have come from Washingtion, DC and Wisconsin, areas which have already voted for Senator Obama.  This has pushed his affirmer percentage up 2 percent, breaking the 1/3 mark for the first time.  The latest numbers are:

Clinton Area Superdelegates:  208
Clinton Affirmer:  104 (50%)
Clinton Defectors:  35 (16.8%)
Clinton Undeciders:  69 (33.2%)

Obama Area Superdelegates:  307
Obama Affirmers:  103 (33.6%)
Obama Defectors:  78 (25.4%)
Obama Undeciders:  126 (41%)

Pre-Vote Area Superdelegates:  204
Early Clinton Committers:  57 (27.9%)
Early Obama Committers: 41 (20.1%)
Early Undeciders:  106 (52%)

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